It can be used to create a variety of special effects in different projects.
Explosion effect: An explosion effect can be created using inks and epoxy resin. This effect is achieved by mixing the inks with the resin and then applying the mixture to the desired surface. The result is a color pattern that resembles an explosion.
Petri Effect: The Petri effect is achieved by mixing different colors of epoxy resin and then applying the mixture to the desired surface. The result is a pattern of colors that resembles the cells seen in a Petri dish.
Surface renovation: Can be used to renovate surfaces such as sinks, tables and countertops. Special pigments can be added to achieve different effects and finishes.
Different finishes and colors: Can be used to achieve different finishes and colors in different projects. Pigments and inks can be added to achieve different effects and finishes.
Among other effects we find: Marble effect; Smoke effect; Neon effect; Terracotta effect, etc.
What materials can I mix with epoxy resin to achieve different effects?
Pigments: Pigments can be liquid or powder and can be mixed to create secondary and tertiary colors.
Metallic powder: Metallic powder can be found in different colors and can be mixed with the resin to achieve different effects.
Inks: Inks can be found in different colors and can be mixed to create different effects, such as the explosion effect.
Sealers: Sealers can be applied before or after the application of the epoxy resin to achieve different effects.
What kind of powders can I mix with the epoxy resin to achieve different effects?
Mica powder: To achieve a shiny and metallic effect on the surface.
Mother-of-pearl powder: Pearlescent effect on the surface.
Phosphorescent powder: To achieve a luminous effect on the surface.
Metallic powder: To achieve a metallic effect on the surface.
All of them can be found in different colors.